Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Living Room Inspiration

I haven't posted any updates to the house in a long while but they are coming. The first on deck will be my new office space that will house my greatest decor love to date. I'm so excited to finally have my own office space, bloggin' on my lap gets old really quick but I digress.

Lately, I have been loving adding more warmth to my home by way of beautiful wood. I have ALOT of white in my house and the luxuriousness of beautiful wood anchors the spaces and also provides visual interests, especially an older piece.

So, I totally was floored when I saw this image of a wood fireplace:

How absolutely GORGEOUS is this fireplace??!! I am swooning so freakin' hard at this fireplace design.

I wonder if my living room mantle is real wood and if so, can I strip it and stain it? I already black marble on that fireplace.. I think with a little or a lot of elbow grease, I can have something equally fabulous!

This is how my current fireplace looks.. I painted it a glossy black. You can't see it from this photo but trust me, it's glossy and black. Do you think a revealing the wood on the fireplace would be fabulous?

My do-list is never ending.. I plan to remove the mirrored console and add a more seating and maybe drapes to the French doors leading to the side porch. I need to finally get around to getting an area rug, some art and more lighting in that room, it's screaming for a chandelier. *le sigh*

Sometimes I feel that my living room is overwhelming and I need to edit it down a bit. Add a little bit more Traditional.. I do love the core pieces.. the sofa, piano and coffee table.. oh and the drapes. They are boss! But maybe there's room for changing everything else. What do you think? Any suggestions?


  1. I looove your blog! Your living room is amazing, come deck out mine with your amazing style! The carpet is my favorite. I tend to see a lot of animal print being used and abused most of the time but you add the perfect touch.

    I really don't think you need to change anything!

    All the best,

  2. Your living room is looking fabulous! LOVE the rug! You've got so many great pieces in there. You could always move around the accessories for a change if you are bored - sometimes all you need is to mix things up a bit ;)


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!