Saturday, February 2, 2013

One Month Down

I've been M.I.A for a few weeks due to my hectic life and contest prep. I feel like I never just have time to sit and relax anymore.. I'm always rushing from one place to another. In addition to my already busy schedule, my contest prep training has me absolutely, positively EXHAUSTED!!

However, I'm staying the course and excited to see the changes my body has made already. I'm getting stronger, leaning out nicely and finally my stomach is on board with my meal plan. I'm looking forward to seeing how much more my body changes over the next four weeks.

I must admit that my training is challenging not only physically but mentally and emotionally. I knew the physical aspect would be but never factored in my mental and emotional states at any given time. It's at those times that I love my inner control freak and I dictate to my body that we are going to KEEP GOING!

Despite my exhaustion, limited culinary options and muscles threatening to revolt, the curiosity of what could be, what I can sculpt my body into... is far greater than my desire to quit. I'm DOIN' the damn thing!

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