Tuesday, November 11, 2008

For The Grown And Sexy

Remember my quest for the perfect wedding cake alternative? I was thinking of bucking a traditional cake for something equally tasty and fun. My peach pie idea was vetoed and I was less than thrilled with the idea of cupcakes because of their seemingly lack of sophistication. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE cupcakes but the frosted goodness that I've seen for weddings always remind me of a childrens party. Well ladies, feast your eyes on this!!!

I love this "Vintage Gardenia" cupcake!

An embossed cupcake, who knew?!?!

A island theme masterpiece. I couldn't even bring my self to eat. Well maybe I could but not after I took a few photos. =D

Such imagination...

I just want to bite the SCREEN!!! YUM-O!!!

Can a cupcake be "classic"?

While not a cupcake, I just HAD to post it. Isn't it what dreams are made of?? A cake that features all my favorite things..only thing missing is a glass of champagne. I wonder if this cake ships well?
These works of edible art are lovingly made by Bev Perry of SugarBloom Cupcakes. She is the creative director of this awesome cupcakery and has this to say about her couture creations. "I adore expressing myself artistically with baking and unlike most permanent art forms, I feel happiness in letting go of each of my creations to be consumed and enjoyed by the individual. I believe nothing is really ours to keep, it's the experience of baking and decorating that I love and, I love that I can share this delight with others." Isn't she precious!?!
Immediately after stumbling across this fab find.. I contacted her to inquire if these tasty treats were available for the wedding stateside. I found that she is in Australia. Yeaaa for Australian brides... booo for me. She explained that while she does ship locally, she hadn't shipped the US. But she did offer a sugary glimmer of hope... she said that she would look into the possiblity. Yeaaaa for ME!!!


  1. Those are some very grown-up, elegant cupcakes! Gorgeous.

  2. Those are too much!! It just amazes me the talent out there. I don't think I could do it. That embossed one is amazing. And those flowers!

  3. Hi RedFrame and Abbie!!! Thanks for stopping by! Can you believe those cupcakes??!?! They are insanely fabulous!

  4. Fantastic wrap up of elegant beautiful cupcakes, we have included them in our 50 colorful cupcake feature on Party Cupcake Ideas. You can see it here under brown. http://partycupcakeideas.com/50-colorful-cupcakes/


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!