Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Love In The City

Most bridal magazines will suggest having photo inspiration ideas for your wedding day pics. Perhaps a list of 'must have' photos of friends and family or of semi -staged details... I don't have a must have list...but I do have lovely inspiration.

A quick jaunt to the Empire State Building for this stunning shot. Hey, we're getting married in NYC, so why not? =D

I just love the composition of this photo..


THE getaway shot! Anybody have Louis luggage I can borrow? The hat box is a must!! lol



  1. i loved the photos the first time i saw them...and i love them all the more the second time around :)

  2. Hi Atlanta Bride! Thanks for stopping by! I love photography.. these photos inspire!

  3. great to see that it is about the couple. should be center part of the wedding. fun stuff to see these types of photos. many times the wedding is only about the woman. its too bad.


  4. P.S. I love this...

    Special Thanx for the photo kudos !!!

    {P.S.S.} I {heart} your blog !!!


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!