Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Blue Skies and Sunshine

I'm seriously in need of a month long dose of blue skies, sunshine, pink powdery sand, warm crystal clear waters and an unlimited amount of rum punch. Anyone with me?? This weather is so bleh! I know it's winter and all but I'm so ready for summer. After all, it's the season for my wedding!!!

I'm so excited!! The January 22nd put us at the 7th month mark. YIKES!! I still have so much left to do, which I pretty much have under control but the one element that is giving me angst is invitations. Who KNEW this would turn out to be the bane of my existance??? Why didn't anyone tell me that it would be a such a task?? I'm almost to the brink of just buying them from Target. LOL... just kidding.. actually... maybe...

I've contacted 5 invitation designers only to be very disappointed and wasted more money and time that I care to even think about. I didn't think my idea of a cosmopolitan design that incorporated the skyline of New York and some nod to my Pucci inspiration, very Saima like but without the price tag, would be so difficult. But alas, I've been reduced to pondering pilfering Target for a few sets of invitations... Sad right?

I do have a glimmer of hope though. Remember Minna Designs?

Sooooo pretty right? I've always liked her point of view and design style. So I finally emailed her and we have an appointment on Friday.

I'm totally hopeful that this will be the last stop on the invite train or else it will be invites written on paperbags with crayon.


  1. you have have some of our SoCal sunshine!
    What style are you looking for (ornate, letterpress, whimsical, graphic, romantic)? I feel like I've looked at everything - maybe I've seen something you haven't (although I have a feeling you've probably scoured the web).

  2. I love Minna's last ones! Good luck, I'm sure you'll get sorted on Friday and 7 months is waaaaaay early so relax. (Sending you some sunshine!)

  3. Hey Marnieleigh and Redframe!! Thanks for the sunshine, I'm slathering on my SPF. =)

    Marnieleigh, I think I'm looking for graphic and romantic... I would love to see any suggestions.

    Redframe.. I know I have seven's the Virgo in me..we're maniacal. lol


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!