Monday, February 2, 2009

Where Do I Sit?

I have to admit that the wedding planning process can be a challenge for someone like me. I tend to think in sweeping views... I'm a big picture, sort of gal. However, luxury is in the details and that's not quite my strong suit. It's a good thing that I have great vendors, those consummate professionals that can plug in the holes I will undoubtedly leave neglected.

I'm constantly, as of late, racking my brain to plug in the holes. Tracking down those subtle nuances that speaks to us as a couple that uniquely ties into our wedding decor. Those little things that may or may not go unnoticed by our beloved guests but will be standouts in my mind and probably one more thing to add to my "I'm not gonna be stressed on my wedding day" stress.

Case and point... where will my guests sit? On chairs of course, that I had totally forgotten to order but will be placing an order for tomorrow. teeeheee But how will my guests know where to sit? This may be a detail that should have been impossible to overlook and while I can't say I totally overlooked it... I really didn't want to deal with the angst it would give me. My plan was to let everyone sit where and with whom they wanted. WRONG!! My wedding planner wasn't having that.

So I have to decide if we're going to have placecards or a seating chart. I'm leaning towards the latter.


Actually what I'd rather have is a greeter during the cocktail hour greet every guest and once given their name, present them with an orchid with a tag with their table number. The other side of the tag would be blank and they could write a wedding well wish or advice to the happy couple. My planner didn't like that idea too much either. I thought it was cute.

Oh so back to the seating chart. I like that idea way better than placecards because it's a cleaner look and doesn't seem as tedious.

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  1. Hey, you have been awarded the Blog Luv award from The Bridal Wishlist. Check it out at:



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