Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Usually I like to keep my blog lively and upbeat...no sad news here...it's my happy place. And I wrestled with the thought of posting this but it is my wedding blog and it does have to do with the wedding so here we go...

Today I received a call from the catering manager from our reception location. She started with, "I have bad news..." My immediate thought was maybe she was leaving the company and someone else was going to be taking over my account. Ummmm no such luck... she told me that due to the economy, they was closing their doors effective immediately. *gasp*

She went on to tell me that I would be refunded my deposit... At this time, I'm hearing white noise in my ears.. what did she say? I can't hear...the white noise.. I feel warm tears beginning to stream down my face...I can't speak...she's talking.. I can't speak.. the massive lump in my throat is holding my voice hostage... more tears coming... faster and bigger.. I still can't hear...

Then finally I'm able to eek out..."I'm so sorry...you won't have a job... I'm so sorry." She tries to be strong but I can hear her crying too. I feel so awful. She then gave me her cell phone number and tells me that I can call her anytime if I need help with anything.

I hang up. Then I start to wail.. it was like there was a death. It was really strange...who was this woman crying like this? I'm usually a very go with the flow type of person and very solution oriented...who was this? I couldn't control it... there was heaving and everything! Who WAS this??

My bestie said that it was my release valve...all the pressure with life, business, family and wedding planning. That it was needed. Maybe... perhaps she's right.

The weird thing was I don't think I was nearly as upset about the closing as I was about this really nice lady and all the great people I had JUST met at my tasting last week, had lost their jobs.

The economy really sucks.


  1. So sorry this happened to you. We wish you the best. You are right, this economy is the pits.

  2. I'm so sorry to read that. Things will get better eventually--keep your chin up!

  3. you have such a great attitude. so many brides would have screamed her head off. you will find another place, but that poor lady will be without that income. you're right...the economy sucks bad.


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