Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Just Starting To Get Feeling In My Toes

Remember the Pucci shoes I've swooned over and finally purchased, then decided it would be the inspiration for our wedding decor?? Well, as fab as those shoes were, they were a excruciating to wear for the better part of a long wedding day. Wearing 4" peeptoes is a feat all it's own but couple that with adding a good 15 to 20lbs of wedding gown and traipsing all over NY and you have a recipe for numb toes. Yup, my toes are STILL numb, somewhat and it's been..what.. a week and two days. I wonder what WebMD has to say about that.

Anywhoo.. here's a fun pic of them in action. Kinda..

Here we are at the first stop, the carousel at Bryant Park. We were allowed to ride for free, which was so sweet and it made me giddy. I look like I'm about to fall and smiling ENTIRELY too hard.. but what can I say..I was a happy, happy bride to be.

When I look at the heel in this picture I wonder how I walked in them practically all day... without it being a platform?? I mean I could run a marathon in a platform shoe. But alas, what we women do for fabulousness.

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