Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Long Time, No See

My sincerest apologies for abandoning my blogger duties. This past month as been exceptionally trying with family members in ICU, personal road bumps and the like... puh! I had lost my bloggin' mojo for a while.. feeling uninspired and all Diana Ross in "Lady Sings the Blues".

The main reason for not attending to my online baby is I had a flair up with a condition I have called Sarcoidosis. Ugh, it's the worst.. bed ridden, fevers, bones hurtin', can't eat... ahhhh, the misery. But now I'm feeling better, much better. Nothing a few doses of Prednisone couldn't help.

So, to make up for my absence, I leave with something drool-worthy and delicious.

The Brian Atwood Matrix boot in Chocolate.


  1. YUMMY!!!!!! I want me some of that.

  2. Hi, it's a very great blog.
    I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
    Keep doing!


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!