Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I Know, I Know

I haven't posted any more photos from the wedding. I don't know why, I guess with so much going on since August 30, I just haven't had the time to shift through them.

I'm STILL trying to decide on a favorites for a wall size canvas. Yeah, I know, maybe it's a bit much but I saw something similar as a window display at the mall and just fell in love with the idea. It was a black and white photo of a couple and was particularly striking. So instead of a photo collage on the wall or anything like that, I opt for the canvas, it's more inline with my decorating aesthetic.

At first, I thought I wanted to do a display similar to this:

But nah, it's not really our style. Pretty though!

I can't find the picture from the mall where I came across the idea but found this visual:

I just love it, especially since our living room doesn't really have a focus, aside from the flat screen. My thoughts are that an over sized canvas will bring balance to the room.

I do know that the photo has to be carefully chosen, probably cropped to reveal an interesting angle or point of view so it looks more like art instead of a big azz picture of us. Also may have a little photoshop thrown in for good measure.

I also liked this idea, of canvas tiles:

Cute right? I just love the interest it gives to an otherwise dead space.

Speaking of wedding photos, how 'bout I share a few?

My bouquet was sooooo heavy but it was beautiful.

I loved our invitations but not at first. I felt like I wanted something more grand looking but these turned out to be perfect.

I tried to have the "pucci" inspiration throughout the wedding but in punctuations.

See the young lady on the far left? That's my daughter. My photographers didn't believe me when I told them. Ha! The rest of the girls are my sisters and nieces.

We had the room draped to hide the iron wrought chandelier. I love the ethereal feel it gave to the ceremony.

Here comes the tears...

The newlyweds' smile and smirk!

The dessert "Library". All the desserts were handmade and color coordinated by my fab florist, Tammy. Actually she did everything, the decor, the flowers, the design.. she was amazing! I had a vague idea of what the room would look like besides the fact that I wanted long tables and NO tall flower arrangements. I was over the moon when I saw the room.

I know this photo is unfocused but I just love it.. it looks sensual yet romantic.

Our exit. I just loved the back of my reception dress, it had an Old Hollywood feel.

Photos by fab photographers Julie and my sister, Toya.


  1. Hi Ami! Thanks for stopping by! Thanks for the compliment. *blush*

  2. I just stumbled across your blog and had to say your wedding pictures are so beautiful! I love the way your bouquet complimented your dress. And that reception. Wow! Congratulations. I hope your marriage is as spectacular as the wedding seems to have been!

  3. GIRL! You are gorgeous and stunning and the colors. THAT DRESS!!! I love your blog... i need to play catch up and read more! thanks for stopping by mine!

  4. I love your shoes, dress and ring to distraction. Just for starters.

  5. A.MA.ZING! I won't saw it anymore. I love your reception, too.


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!