Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why Have A House When You Can Have An Estate

My Hubby has asked me to make gingerbread man cookies for Christmas. I have never made a gingerbread cookie before. As a matter of fact, the last cookie I made from scratch was peanut butter cookies in Home Economics class.... eons ago.

They were pretty tasty, from what I remember but I digress.

Fast-forward to yesterday, when we both had a sweet tooth, I reached for a tub of pre-made cookie dough goodness:

Fresh out the oven, soft, warm cookies with coffee ice cream (me), butter pecan ice cream (him)... we were totally delighted to welcome the associated sugar high, then coma.

So you see, I have not flex that baking from scratch muscle in a while but I'm willing to give it a try. So, I troll the 'Net for a good and easy recipe and my journey brings me to this sweet bit of fabulousity!

Personalized Gingerbread Estate

Isn't it the cutest thing!?!?

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!