Sunday, June 20, 2010

Gotta Love A Great "Before and After"

I really love this Before and After because it addresses two items in the house we put an offer on. The stairs and the entrance to the kitchen.

In the house that we love, the staircase is weird for such a large foyer, so I was hoping that could be changed and turns out that it can be and in a very fab way. The other thing was the seemingly small doorway to the kitchen. I had also wondered what could be done about that, maybe move the wall over a little bit?? But now I see that a barrel vaulted ceiling may be in our future. The following pics give me hope.

See? While the stairs are ok for this house... look at the small entry to kitchen.

photos courtesy of Trends

Total nirvana!! The upper portion of the staircase curved and the second floor was opened up to give a more airy feel and allow in alot more light. But my favorite change is the entrance to the kitchen, it's spectacular. Gone is the low, square entrance and now the hallway is more spacious and give a bigger over all feel to the foyer. I love that.

I wonder if they made good use of the space under the stairs? I'm sure a coat closet or shelved storage would fit nicely there.

1 comment:

  1. oh!i love it too!gorgeous.and all white colour simply simply gorgeous!


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