Thursday, September 2, 2010

Draper Doors!!

Thank you Sharon, you're the bestest!!   You may be wondering why Sharon is the bestest... well it's because she featured these fab Dorothy Draper inspired doors on her blog and was kind enough to provide me with a link so I may purchase my very own glam doors!! 

I think they would be stunning as is or painted a high gloss black. Yummmmm. The best part is I can special order the doors from Lowe's.

See? Isn't Sharon the bestest?


  1. I love them! You have such a great sense of style!

  2. u can get them in Home Depot! - you gotta order them tho - i looked into getting them for my house - but then i realized my house is designed with straight lines - so i went for boxes instead of a circle .. but LOVE em'!

    ps - and the one's in Home Depot are solid wood too - i'm totally against hollow doors .. i dunno why

  3. Hi Mrs. Crasher and Erika,

    Thanks for stopping by!!

    Ericka, Home Depot too, that's so convenient. Yes, I would much rather a solid wood door, so that's better. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!