Friday, October 22, 2010

Baby Feverish

I don't know what it is lately but I'm feeling all baby-y. I've been constantly looking at baby clothes, strollers, of which I think I want a Pram, newborn baby photography, cute hair bows, awwww, everything is so cute and precious.

Soooooo cute!

Mostly all of these photos are considered Newborn photography (sleeping baby photos), which has to happen before 2 weeks of age. This is an optimal time to get those wrinkly, peach fuzz covered, sleeping baby photos. Also the photography space has to be around 90 degrees, this is to obviously keep the unclothed baby warm and I think it aids in them remaining sleepy and relaxed. Lastly, most shoots take place in the morning, which yields the best natural light for this type of photography.

All photos from ETSY


  1. gushing. the photography is great in these. but i've had baby fever for a while myself.

  2. Absolutely adorable and darling! :) Paris in Pink

  3. So cute! I held a baby yesterday for the first time in forever and it's just such a special feeling. Have a lovely weekend!


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