Friday, October 22, 2010

Our Furry Lil' Boy

I just realized I haven't posted about our lil fur baby since I surprised my husband for his birthday in January. Well, Chompers has changed alot. He was a little spitfire when he was a "toddler" and now that he's a "lil boy", he's even more character filled.

Doesn't he look like he's just itching to get into something??

Happy and Smiling Before Grooming
Subdued After Grooming
Loves Playing Predator With His Toys
"ACK!!!" He's Reaction To One Of The Hottest Days This Summer
Another Favorite Past time, Bug Catching
HATING The Ponytail Look Grandma Gave Him LOL

His birthday is coming up so I'm thinking of getting a doggie birthday cake and inviting his lil' doggie friends and doggie cousins over to the park for some butt sniffing and play fighting.


  1. He is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute, especially wreaking havoc on this toy. Makes me want to get another dog.

  2. Hey Tonia!

    Didn't know you had a fur baby? Hope he/she can make it to our virtual birthday partay!

  3. He is Adorable! I'm obsessed with yorkies (really I am). Hopefully will be adding one to my family next summer after waiting my whole life!

  4. OMG! He is adorable!!! LOVE him!
    And you totally should have a puppy party for him. I just posted yesterday about my recent puppy party for my yorkie!
    I have 2 dogs and am planning another party for my other baby in December.

  5. Awww! Your fur baby is so cute!!!! All these pics are so sweet, I just want to squish him! :)


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!