Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Eclectic and Fab!

Found on TheLennox by was of Jeneration Interiors
This image just makes me wanna scream it's so freakin' fabulous! There's so much going on but it's well edited and simply perfect. I'm especially a fan of the huge scale.

Let's talk about that rustic vignette. I love the grandeur of oversized items used in the right context and this vignette just kicks ass!

That wee brass chivari chair.. yeah, I'm gonna need on of those in my life. Post haste!


  1. I love the rustic feel, it included all the elements that I love

  2. I have been looking at the images on your blog. LOVE them! I also don't think that all of those lights would be practical... But aren't they so cool!
    I would love to see them at night!
    Have a pretty day!


Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon!