Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's December Already?

Wow, where did the year go? I say it every year but this year it really flew by. *note to self - make more memories and be more present in 2011*

I want to share with you one of my most favoritest holiday movies. I remember the first time I saw this, I was on a flight to Miami and I know I got on my fellow passengers last nerves because I laughed so hard 'til tears sprang from my eyes. And I STILL get a hearty chuckle from this movie. And I watch it year around.

O.M.G!!! Will Ferrell is my favorite. He is hilarious and I have to see anything that he stars in. No matter how bad. *cough Land Of The Lost cough*


  1. I am so with you on this movie (and the time flying by as well...flying!!!)

  2. YES! This movie is GREAT!! I love it when Will Ferrell says, "SAAAAAAAAANTTTTA" when told he was coming to town, I DIED laughing! I love this movie. On a darker note Bad Santa is funny too. But it has a really bad santa!

  3. I just watched the clip! Yep that's the scene! Bwhahahahahahahahahhaahhahaa! Loves it!


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