Friday, August 26, 2011

All Rosey

This wall decor is utterly feminine...


It's so pretty... I feel like I can almost smell those roses.

I wonder if my daughter would like me to a rose wall in her room?


Gorgeous_Puddin said...

That wall is so beautiful! I like it!

Why is my word veri busta? LOLOLOL!

Scarlett said...

That wallpaper is amazing! I have a rose themed room and that would look so good in it. Where is it from? :)

P.S. I love this... said...

Hey Ladies,

@Gorgeous - It is pretty.. I love roses but would have never thought to put them on the wall. Looks great though.

@Scarlettx - Hi there! Thanks for stopping by. Unfortunately, I didn't see where the wallpaper is from. I do know that there are companies that can blow up a photo wall size and be mounted as wallpaper. Maybe you can try that.